Your Next-Generation AI-Powered Conversational Search Engine

AI-powered search engine that goes deep into the internet to find answers. iVu.Ai is not just searches the web but understands your questions. It’s designed to help you navigate through the vast amount of information available online, making it easier to find, understand, and use information in various creative ways.

Discover the power of choice in AI, providing a spectrum of top-tier language models – we’re all about flexibility and freedom, not constraints


Maximize your productivity with our unique capabilities


Your dedicated researcher, generating in-depth reports on specified topics in formats like PDF or Word, effectively saving you time and effort.

AI Assistant

Choose from a diverse range of AI assistants – be it a news curator, travel advisor, YouTube analyzer, or GitHub code analyst.

Modular approach

Embrace a modular approach, where you can utilize distinct modules like Chat or Search according to your specific needs.

Stable Diffusion

Delve into the realm of image generation, creating visually captivating and personalized content tailored to your specifications                     

Intuitive Search with Large Language Models (LLM)

Intuitive Search with Large Language Models (LLM)

Dive into a conversational advanced search experience with our LLM feature. Type your query and get precise, context-aware answers that feel like you are chatting with a human expert. Our model understands nuances, making your search experience more intuitive and satisfying. It uses advanced machine learning algorithms like similarity searching and embeddings to refine results and provides clear answers with sources cited.

Multi-Model Interactive AI Conversations

Our platform boasts a chat interface similar to ChatGPT, but with the versatility of not being tied to just one LLM model to tailor your chat experience for any inquiry or creative exploration.

Multi model Chat
iVu Researcher

Automated Research Assistance

Transform the way you gather information with, your personal AI research assistant. Specify your research topic, and iVu.AI will meticulously craft comprehensive reports in your desired format, be it PDF or Word, effectively saving you time and effort. It’s like having a team of researchers at your fingertips.

Interact with Your Documents

Elevate your interaction with documents through Upload your files and engage in dynamic conversations with your documents. iVu.AI can extract information, summarize, interpret, and field questions about your text. It’s like having a conversation with the text itself.

speak with your files

Why choose iVu.Ai?

iVu.Ai is your all-in-one platform for managing information, now with the added flexibility of choosing from multiple Large Language Models (LLMs) for an even more tailored experience. You’re not confined to a single model from OpenAI, Anthropic, or LLaMA; iVu.Ai gives you the freedom to select any model that best fits your needs. This unparalleled flexibility enhances every aspect of our platform:

Answering Questions

Tackle everything from basic inquiries to complex puzzles with answers backed by the most up-to-date sources. Whether you’re creating code, summarizing articles, or organizing emails, iVu.Ai adapts to your preferences by leveraging the strengths of various LLMs for seamless execution.

Exploring Topics in Depth

Our Deep Search feature, now more powerful with multiple LLM options, guides you through an AI-enhanced search experience. Dive deep into any topic of interest, discovering, learning, and expanding your knowledge base in ways previously unimaginable.

Organizing Your Library

With the ability to harness different AI models, organizing your findings into iVu Collections by project or topic has never been easier or more efficient. Adjust privacy settings with ease, invite collaborators, and ensure your research is secure yet accessible.

Interacting with Your Data

Bring your projects to life by interacting with your files and the web through iVu.Ai’s integrated platform. The choice of multiple LLMs means you can ask questions, search, and get a holistic project view with the most appropriate AI model for your specific needs, all without ever needing to navigate away from our site.

Stable Diffusion

Generate Images with Stable Diffusion

Unleash your creativity with our image generation feature powered by Stable Diffusion. Describe the image you have in mind, and watch as our iVu.AI brings your vision to life. It’s perfect for creators, marketers, and anyone in need of visual content.

Find Jobs or Candidates to Hire

Whether you’re seeking your dream job or the ideal candidate for your team, is here to help. Our AI-powered engine matches job seekers with opportunities and helps employers find top talent, streamlining the recruitment process for everyone.

Job Search Assistant

Analyze YouTube Videos or Channels

Get concise summaries and analyses of YouTube videos or entire channels. Whether you’re researching or just trying to catch up on content, our AI provides insights and summaries, saving you time and enhancing your understanding.

Analyze GitHub Repos

Dive into GitHub repos with our AI. Understand codebases, contributions, and project summaries at a glance. It’s an invaluable tool for developers, project managers, and anyone interested in software development.

github analyzer

Enterprise Search

Connect to Internal Data Sources (Beta)

iVu.Ai integrates with your enterprise’s data sources, including data warehouses. Speak with your data, ask complex queries, and get insights without the need for traditional data analysis tools. It’s like having a conversation with your data.

Connect with 100+ knowledge tools (Slack, OneDrive, etc.) to give AI context on your business, customers, competitors, brand voice, and more.

Academic Search

Search in Academia

Our specialized search capabilities extend into the realm of academic research. Find papers, articles, and scholarly works relevant to your queries. It’s an indispensable tool for students, researchers, and academics.

Ask anything … in any language

Discover the power of universal understanding with iVu.Ai, your reliable companion ready to answer any query you might have, in any language, fostering a truly global AI interaction.

ask anything in any language

Connect to Your Cloud Drives

Access documents stored in Google Cloud or OneDrive directly through Search, interact, and get insights from your documents without ever leaving our platform. It’s seamless, efficient, and secure.

TL;DR (too long; didn’t read)

No time to read? Simply input your desired website URL into iVu.Ai and summarize, and extract vital information from your specified URLs, offering a comprehensive understanding of web content at your request.

product recommendations

Product Recommendations from Reddit with Sentiment Analysis

Discover product recommendations through sentiment analysis of Reddit discussions. sifts through vast amounts of user-generated content, identifying trends and sentiments, to bring you unbiased, community-driven product insights.

Unleash AI generations and supercharge your research with our advanced capabilities

iVu.Ai is not just a tool

iVu.Ai is a companion in your journey of discovery. Whether you’re a researcher, a creative mind, or simply someone with an insatiable curiosity, iVu.Ai is designed to meet your needs and exceed your expectations. Dive into the future of information discovery with iVu.Ai, where your quest for knowledge knows no bounds.

How does iVu.Ai work?

iVu, your intelligent ally, quickly finds and summarizes web information. It uses advanced AI to understand your queries, sifts through numerous web pages, and presents clear, concise responses in a conversational style.

What should I use iVu.Ai for?

iVu.Ai, your versatile AI assistant, can answer a spectrum of questions, generate various creative text formats, and conduct professional deep research. It can instantly summarize articles or webpages, and with its Deep Search feature, you can explore topics in depth for comprehensive learning.

How does file upload work?

Upload files in plain text, code, or PDF to iVu.Ai and it will use the content to generate answers. Short files are fully analyzed by our language model, while for longer ones, we extract key segments to deliver the most relevant response to your inquiry.